This is Your Chance to Promote The BIGGEST and BEST Internet Marketing Complete Toolkit We've Ever Released!
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Checkout Just Why Niche Marketing Kit is AWESOME For Affiliates:
$47 - Niche Marketing Kit - This is a truly AWESOME offer, packed with over $10,000 worth of Super Top Quality Products reduced from $497 until further notice.
$99 (upsell) - 99 PLR Product Packages Special Offer - This is Private Label Rights to 99 Complete, Ready Made, 'good to go' product packages that also continuously sells EXCELLENT for us.
$25 (downsell) - 25 PLR Product Packages Special Offer - This is Private Label Rights to 25 Complete, Ready Made, 'good to go' product packages that also continuously sells EXCELLENT for us.
$99 (upsell) - 99 Premier Websites Special Offer - This is a MASSIVE 99 Premier, High Quality and Targeted websites that sells regularly for us VERY WELL at double the cost we are offering it here.
$25 (downsell) - 25 Premier Websites Special Offer - This is a MASSIVE 25 Premier, High Quality and Targeted websites that sells regularly for us VERY WELL at double the cost we are offering it here.
$9.95 Per Month (upsell) - PLR Monthly And Store Buildr Monthly Combined.
This offers 2 of our best selling monthly products for the price of one. Monthly PLR Products and Monthly Niche Targeted Websites. These are PROVEN products that regularly sell like hot cakes at double the cost we are offering them for here.
That's Well Over $100 Per Sale in Commissions!!
Including RECURRING Commissions Every Month!
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Subject: Everything You Need For Success in 2020!
Hi [NAME],
Dave Nicholson and John Thornhill have been evaluating this year and have had one of their best years ever.
To celebrate they have made all the tools and strategies that is responsible for their success available so you can start 2020 with a bang.
They’ve called it The Niche Marketing Kit
However, unlike most ‘collections’ this is not just a bunch of digital products thrown together and sold at a discount. The have actually worked out all areas of their success and what is required to become successful online and the result is amazing.
They have everything covered in areas such as:-
## Website Traffic
## Video Marketing
## Affiliate Marketing
## List Building
## Social Media
## Essential Internet Marketing
And much much more…
This collection of tools contains everything you need to succeed and is valued at well over $10,000, but if you act now you can grab this amazing toolkit for just a fraction of the price.
This really is all you need for success in 2020 and I highly recommend you check it out.
Make sure you grab it quick, it’s only available for the next FEW DAYS!
P.S. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to grab over $10,000 worth of tools, products and strategies for a fraction of the price. Don’t let this pass you by.
Subject: The BIGGEST and BEST Toolkit For 2020!
Hi [NAME],
How would you like over $10,000 worth of tools that are responsible for over a million dollars in sales this year?
Yes, John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson have just released what can only be described as the ULTIMATE NICHE PACKAGE!
This is not some random package of products that may or may not help you to succeed online, we have only taken their VERY BEST tools, from the MOST IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL niches that will ASSURE your online SUCCESS!
You get everything you need to succeed in these ESSENTIAL niches:
## Website Traffic
## Video Marketing
## Affiliate Marketing
## List Building
## Social Media
## Essential Internet Marketing
And much much more…
So what’s the catch?
Quite simply there is NO CATCH, apart from this is only available for a VERY limited time as a Festive special!
So grab yours NOW while you can, once it’s gone it’s gone for good.
Subject: The ULTIMATE Niche Package (very limited)…
Hi [NAME],
Have you checked out John & Dave’s Niche Marketing Toolkit kit yet?
The Niche Marketing Kit really does contain all you need for success in 2020.
This is something they do every year but this time it’s bigger and better than ever and at this price you really can’t go wrong.
However, I must warn you that this won’t be around for much longer as it’s only available over the festive period.
So check it out and make sure you add this to your Festive shopping list.
Subject: Build Auto Income With This $10,000 Blowout Package!…
Hi [NAME],
One of the best things about being an info product seller is the fact you can automate your business, so while you’re enjoying the festivities your business can still be making you money.
There’s no better feeling than earning while you’re having fun with family and friends.
However, if you’re not at that level yet you may be wondering how to get ahead, well my advice is you check out the Niche Marketing Kit from John & Dave. It really does contain all you need to get ahead in 2020.
In fact you can learn from this as no doubt John & Dave are making a killing from this right now, more proof that you can be a success at this business.
But don’t take my word for it, go and check it out before they close the deal.
P.S. I’ve just been told that the cost of this is going to shoot up DRAMATICALLY on Monday, so grab it RIGHT NOW for just a few bucks while you can!
Subject: Deadline – Midnight Tonight!
Hi [NAME],
You have under 24 hours to take advantage of our very special Niche Marketing Kit Festive Blowout from John & Dave!
At midnight tonight this deal ends, the cost shoots up DRAMATICALLY, and you’ll miss the chance to grab over $10,000 worth of tools, products and strategies that are sure to make your SUCCESS a certainty in 2020.
Make sure you grab it before the countdown expires if you don’t want to be kicking yourself all the way through 2020!
P.S. Remember, the cost of this is going to shoot up DRAMATICALLY on Monday, so grab it RIGHT NOW for just a few bucks while you can!
Subject: Only 12 Hours Remaining to Grab Niche Package!…
Hi [NAME],
You have under 12 hours to grab the Niche Marketing Kit Festive Blowout from John & Dave!
This collection of tools contains everything you need to succeed and is valued at well over $10,000, but if you act now you can grab this amazing toolkit for just a fraction of the price.
Make sure you grab it before the countdown expires and you miss out for good!
P.S. I’ve just been told that the cost of this is going to shoot up DRAMATICALLY on Monday, so grab it RIGHT NOW for just a few bucks while you can!
Subject: Going… Going… Nearly Gone!
Hi [NAME],
You have under 6 hours to grab the Niche Marketing Kit Festive Blowout from John & Dave!
Once the timer hits zero this deal ends and you’ll miss the chance to grab over $10,000 worth of the tools and products that are sure to make your SUCCESS a certainty in 2020.
P.S. If you miss out there’s nothing I can do as John & Dave have informed me this deal will AUTOMATICALLY close once the timer hits zero so don’t hang about…
At Midnight on Monday, the cost of this is going to shoot up DRAMATICALLY, so grab it RIGHT NOW for just a few bucks while you can!
Subject: Are You Still Online?…
Hi [NAME],
Are you online?… Because if you are reading this within 60 minutes of me sending this then there’s just enough time for you to grab the Niche Marketing Kit Festive Blowout from John & Dave!
It may already be too late, and if so there’s nothing I can do… John & Dave have informed me that the cost of this is going to shoot up DRAMATICALLY at MIDNIGHT, so grab it RIGHT NOW for just a few bucks while you can!
I hope you make it.
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